Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Witness

(this is just a little, very short piece of writing for a little story that's been forming in my head for years and has now turned a pretty distinct corner! I'm not a writer, I just dabble in it for fun...this is for my own amusement, but I thought that, since I don't use this blog much, I should post it here! enjoy.)

The rain on the window of the Venus-D shuttle shadowed the ancient cabinet cards in Luella Dobson's hands.
She gazed at a postmortem of a young man, his face drawn and flowers all around his head. She sighed softly and traded the photo for the one beneath it, the theme much happier than the last- a wedding portrait. The groom is the same man from the postmortem at an earlier time in his life.
She stared at the cheerful young bride next to him...she had lived hundreds of lives since then. She was the same person, yet...not at all the same anymore.
Soon, however, she hoped her quest would come to an end, and her 400 year old vengeance would finally be had. She'd gotten word that Mary Worsley was on Venus-D and her husband's vampiric, alien murderer was to be brought to justice by her hands.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Apologizes for the lack of updates

Not like there's really that many people that watch this blog, but still. I'd like to keep this up as a personal and fashion blog and see where it goes.

I'll try to post more often!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Rant: "I Love the Victorian Era!"

I've always considered myself an avid historic costume appreciator. It's something I've loved since I first got my hands on Phaidon's The Art Book, and it's been, easily, my most researched subject. I've got a little mental fashion time line in my head and I can identify most women's historical costume from 1780 to now within about 10 years accuracy; some eras I'm better at than others, but that's simply because of personal interest.
I have a lot of costuming related pet peeves, but my biggest is easily the Victorian era. more specifically when people say "I love Victorian fashion!" my initial response is always the same; irritation, and then the question, "which decade?"
The thing is, while the Victorian era covers a span of about 100 years, fashion changed considerably every decade. clothing from the 1840s is not even close to how it looked in the 1880s.
not to mention that fairly frequently, when I ask people to draw the silhouette of what they like or to point out a picture of their favorite Victorian era costume, it's not even Victorian.  I've actually seen people call a Rococo-era costume Victorian. To me, I can easily spot the differences in these two eras, and I think that if you're calling it your favorite historical costume, it might help to actually know when it was worn.
Now I do admit to having this sort of confusion when it comes to the renaissance, but I'm actively trying to remedy it so I don't have this problem. The Victorian era is easier to see the changes in, decade to decade because of the rise of photography and gratuitous use of fashion plates. The evolution of dress is obvious in the Victorian era because of these handy little illustrations.

Just like the 20th century, 19th century fashion evolves by decade. I think that's easy to forget, but that was kind of when the pace of change sped up. the mass production of clothing and accessories that began in the industrial revolution made it easier for the middle class to acquire the newest looks, or at least keep up a little with trends. Really, all I ask is that you google your favorite historical costume, just once, to make sure you're labeling it properly. it gives people like me who are passionate about costuming and accuracy a much better picture of what you're talking about and a little more respect for you for taking a couple of minutes to make sure you know what you're talking about and that you're properly getting across the idea that you're trying to convey.


both dresses fall under the Victorian era umbrella.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

My Tumblr

So on Rose Rosier's suggestion, I started a Tumblr account.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Portage Park

My sister and I took some awesome pictures this weekend in Portage Park. it was hard to pare down the best, but I think I did decently.
sorry the pictures are HUEG but I thought they looked best this way. This was more or less my first 'formal,' planned photoshoot.

Thursday, October 14, 2010


My mom is in town for the weekend! She's staying at my sister's house in Portage Park, so I went out there today after class to hang out. My mom and my sister really loved my new style, and my sister wants to have a little photoshoot on Saturday. I'm excited! I'll have a few nice pictures without the cardboard boxes behind me.
On a good note, my financial situation's straightened out, I can breathe easy again!

still workin' on a style! I also just adore this hat. This was inspired a little by the late 1910s, very early 1920s. 

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Elevator

I did indeed end up adding the vest, but I forgot to take a picture with it. I'll likely wear this coordinate again, so next time I do I'll be sure to add a photo.

I wore it to my U.S. History class this evening. In that class I'm not very friendly with anyone in particular, although there's a few people I chat with sometimes when we're waiting outside of class for our teacher.However, when we were on the elevator after class, one of my classmates (I want to call him Nate because he reminds me of a Nate I knew at AI, my old school) turned around and said "Your outfit is really cute by the way."
Then the girl I chat with sometimes, I think her name is Cara, said "Yeah! I meant to say something too, I was looking at you a lot during class and I was like, 'gee, I hope she doesn't think I'm a creep or something," and then suddenly, about 5 or 6 other voices (this was a packed elevator) piped up, going "yeah!" and "you look so cute!"
I was stunned, flattered and a little embarrassed. But I treasure that moment already, and I hope that if I'm ever reincarnated or or get Alzheimer's or otherwise forget everything from this life, that that moment is one of the things I remember.

Like a lot of people, I have some self esteem issues. but let this be a lesson to any of you who are shy or afraid to be yourself; people usually love individuality. Some cultures look down on it, I know, but in most places, the people who are worth listening to are the ones who can appreciate what you're doing.

if you know the source, let me know!